- Laboratory for Scientific Computing
The Laboratory for Scientific Computing (LabSC) is a research group based at the Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge. The Lab develops, implements and applies advanced numerical algorithms and computational methodologies for the solution of problems arising from scientific, technology and engineering applications
- Computational Continuum Mechanics
The Computational Continuum Mechanics group works on modelling of elliptic and hyperbolic phenomena in continuum mechanics, including fluid flow, structural mechanics phase change and multi-physics phenomena. We work on development of fundamental numerical methods and exa-scale scientific computing, with practical applications of industrial interest. The group works extensively with open source software and contributes significantly to OpenFOAM library development.
- High Performance Computing Service
The primary mission of the High Performance Computing Service (HPCS) is the delivery and support of a large HPC resource for use by the University of Cambridge research community. We welcome users from all disciplines within the University and of all levels of experience. Darwin also provides one component of the DiRAC distributed supercomputing facility funded by STFC.
- Lennard-Jones Centre for Computational Material Science
The Lennard-Jones (LJ) Centre for Computational Material Science established in 2011 via a strategic investment from the University. Through the LJ Centre, the students can readily access an existing community of researchers across the physical sciences throughout the University in a seamless and efficient way. The LJ Centre also provides a forum for students to disseminate their results, organize their own scientific meetings and invite visiting researchers drawn by its high international standing.
- Theory of Condensed Matter
With over seventy members, the Theory of Condensed Matter (TCM) Group is one of the largest research Groups in the Cavendish Laboratory, and the largest university Condensed Matter Theory group in the country. Able to trace its history back for over sixty years, it has been home to many leading theoreticians. Electronic structure research in TCM focuses on understanding the behaviour of solids and liquids using quantum mechanics, through so-called "first-principles" methods. TCM is interested in applications of these methodologies in physics, biology, chemistry and materials science. TCM's recent successes include: the discovery of high-pressure phases of hydrogen and helium, insights into proteins, nano-crystals, alloy coatings, radiation damage, lithium ion battery anodes and point defects in cathodes, solvents, and water as both a liquid and a high-pressure solid.
- The Gianna Angelopoulos Programme for Science Technology and Innovation
The Gianna Angelopoulos Programme for Science Technology and Innovation is an internationally unique ecosystem of training, research and entrepreneurial activity which supports the production of high-impact disruptive technologies through a comprehensive programme of world-leading research.