Candidate eligibility and the application procedure
We welcome applicants from across the Physical Sciences including Chemistry, Physics, Materials and Engineering. Entry into this prestigious programme is highly competitive, and will take into account qualifications, aspirations and experience.
Applications for this programme should be made through the standard postgraduate admissions system. Further general information about postgraduate admission is available from the Postgraduate Admissions’ website. If successful, you will be required to attend an interview, either in person or via Skype.
Please note that we require a full application before we can consider you for interview - this includes references and academic transcripts submitted correctly with your on-line application.
If you require an early offer please also email to advise us of this, sending us a copy of your application and the reasons why you require this.
Candidates should state why they are interested in the CDT as well as their preferred choice of research area (this does not have to be highly specific) so that their application can be forwarded to appropriate supervisors for consideration. If a specific supervisor has already been identified, they can be named in this section.
If you are applying for a specific project, please state so in your application. For a list of current projects please click here. If the project is funded, this will be specified in the description. Please note, we may receive additional projects and funding throughout the year, therefore please do not be discouraged from applying if there are no funded projects listed that match your research aims or preferences.
Funding from UKRI or industrial and other partners may also be available for applicants. More information on funding can be found on the University's website.
General enquiries about this programme should be emailed to